Monday, August 23, 2010

Ice, Ice, Baby.


Little Miss is in breech position right now (think standing on my bladder), so to get her to turn (because it's going to be easier for her to do now than in 2-4 weeks), I get to put ice on my tummy and try to make her flee from it into the proper head down position.

It didn't work last night, it just made my belly cold. Will try again tonight.

I'm also hoping that if she flips, then her weight will be distributed properly and not to the left side of my pelvic area and properness will relieve some of this awful pelvic pain I've been having for 2 months now.

Here's hoping.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Breech Baby, Breech Baby, Give Me Your Hand... I Mean Feet?

Had my 32 week appt yesterday with the midwife team, and I really liked the lady I saw. It was a good, positive appt. She measured belly and listened to Little Miss' heartbeat. She said that everything's right on track. She also prodded (but in a very professional way) mah belly and said that Little Girl is currently in breech (head up, toes down, specifically in my bladder) position. It's not a big deal NOW, but she needs to flip over before showtime. Which is what I'm calling it now. P.S. This is my show, I'm the star, until the finale, I guess. Anyhoo, we're not going to worry/try to get her to turn over unless she's still wrong side up at my 36week appt, which will be mid-September. Internet suggests I do handstands in a pool to get her to flip. We'll see. I may be a manatee, but manatees gotta breathe air.

After that appt, I had one with the lady physical therapist. That was a good appt too. She told me I don't have to wear the terrible SI (Sacral... Ilium, I think) Belt anymore (because the kind of pain I'm having in my pelvic area isn't the kind that those belts help). So BYE BYE SQUASHY BELT, and GOOD RIDDANCE. She asked me if I wanted to keep it and I laughed at her. My favorite part of the appointment? SHE SHOWED ME A BETTER WAY TO ROLL OVER. Last night was the least painful night I've had since the end of June. That's not to say it was totally pain free, but it was a VAST improvement. Glorious, even. Thank god for that lady physical therapist. Even if she did seem WAY more concerned with how we can address this pain AFTER I've had the baby than with the pain I'm in/having now... I thought that was interesting, considering that everyone else I've talked to has said that this pain will pretty much go away once the baby's here and her weight (and etc's weight) isn't pushing down on my pelvic joints. So we'll see. I can roll over in bed now without feeling broken-stabby-pains.

Things are good.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Constructing The Having A Baby Playlist

So... would THIS song be inappropriate to play when it's time to push, or TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME??

I have my opinion, let's hear yours...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Current Facebook Status:

Linzy Powers is getting really tired of being pregnant. Tired of hearing "Look how big you're getting!" from people I saw LAST WEEK. Tired of finding NEW stretch marks. Tired of looking like crap in almost every picture. Tired of new pain brought on by getting bigger. Tired of being TIRED. Two whole months left. Woo-fucking-hoo.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Email to David

I thought this was funny, so I wanted to put it up here. If you don't think I'm funny, you probably shouldn't be reading my blog. ONWARD!!

Subject: Something to make you smile :] 8.12.10

Hey sweet, just a quick funny story for you about your daughter's antics...

So I'm playing Lego Batman on the 360 with the controller on the
convenient shelf that is mah belly, and Little Miss decides she's
going to kick back at the Rumblepak!!! Frizzle and I thought it was

Ok, fine. *I* thought it was hilarious and Frizzle wanted skritches. :]

Oh, and I *may or may not* have done some "nesting" in your closet
looking for things to bleach... And done some sorting. You might have
a big box of "not clothes" in there now.

Might. :P

I lovin you. Pregnancy is making me crazy. I missin you and your baby
girl says "Kick-kick-twitchy-twitch." Which I'm going to translate as
"Daddy come home so I can kick at you too!"

She's already a spitfire.

We love you Daddy Powers, be safe and come home soon.

Always your girls,
Mama and Baby Powers

P.S. Kicky-twitch! Chop!
(the first bit was Little Miss. I bet you can figure out who the
second bit is from)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rocks, Hard Places, Fear.

Watching The Business of Being Born. It's informative, it's interesting, and it's scaring the daylights out of me.

I don't want to do this anymore. It's going to hurt. It's scary. I really don't know if I can do this... Have a baby. Who's idea was this? (David shut up.) The more I learn about the process and options and everything that childbirth entails, the more it seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don't (have the drugs) deal.

All of the information that I've read/learned/watched/discussed so far has strongly indicated that drugs beget drugs.

Epidurals tend to slow contractions, reduce the rate at which labor progresses. So they give you Pitocin, which brings on harder, quicker contractions (which hurt more than at a normal non-induced progression). And round and round it goes.

Or: Pitocin first, epidural for the increased pain.

Quicker, harder contractions aren't very good for the baby (who isn't built for the new rate of progression), more complications arise, fetal distress, So woosh, you're off to have a C-section (where there can be MORE complications), and then there's more anesthesia, and then you're all drugged up and baby's drugged up (because baby gets his/her drugs from drugged up mama).

Drugged up mamas and babies can have difficulties breast feeding, among other things.


Natural: Labor progresses (or doesn't) on its own. Still hurts. Might take longer, without the harder, faster, progression of drugs. Still gonna hurt. Gonna HURT.

Seriously, it's going to hurt.

Does knowing ahead of time that it's going to hurt help? Help what? Help it not hurt? No. I guess it could help you feel more in control of what's happening, instead of just having various doctors and nurses plugging you into this IV, and here's this drug, and that drug.

Ugh. I'm not doing a very good job explaining myself or reasoning one side against another, or even particularly expanding on everything involved in either method of birth.

I'm not opening this up for debate, or asking for anyone's opinion/story/sympathies right now. All I know is that as of tonight, I don't want to do this anymore, I take it back, and I quit. Out of fear.

::sigh:: If only.

Why didn't I listen to my teenage self? That girl was CERTAIN of adoption, because she knew that pregnancy and childbirth were scary scary things. I'm a little sad to think that I was smarter at 13 than I was at 23 when we decided to stop preventing babies.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Very Round Am I.

Taken at 30 weeks.

Bebe in there!

P.S. That's officer housing behind me, if anyone was wondering. Our house is much smaller (but isn't more house than we need, haha).