Monday, June 21, 2010

Not Too Much To Report, But I Can Always Find Things To Say...

23wks 5d

Everything seems to be going well. I'm trying to follow up on some stuff with various doctors at Tripler who are IMPOSSIBLE to get hold of on the phone, and it'd be a huge pain in the ass to go up there in person to track 'em down because I don't know what floor they work on, or what shifts they work, but believe me, if I haven't heard anything by Wednesday, that's where you'll find me- rampaging the halls of Tripler Army Medical Center (and by rampaging, I mean angrily waddling), trying to find the people with the answers.

That said, depending on those answers, I will know if/when I can fly to the states this summer, and if/when I can really start planning that. I'll keep all interested parties back home informed when there's any new information.

I go in for my "20 week" ultrasound tomorrow, and if they tell me it's a boy in there, I'm probably going to throw a fit. Ever since a friend of mine told me about her sister (or cousin, or mailman, or landlady, or former gym teacher's assistant... basically, it was anecdotal) whose baby was consistently labeled the same sex in every ultrasound, and then turned out to be the opposite gender when born... I've been a little leery of each and every ultrasound. [Insert prize for longest run-on sentence EVER here]. This one's at Tripler and not TomorrowToday, so I'm extra wary that they might give us a different result. And by us, I mean me, 'cuz I'll be soloing for the next 3-ish months. Stupid Deployment. I try not to make too big a deal about it 'cuz David gets a special time-out from Deployment (to come home when the baby is born), so I don't want to make a big deal out of the shorter time that we're apart and make any of the other wives that don't get to see their husbands early jealous or upset. I am aware that we are extremely lucky that he gets the chance to come home for the baby. The time that we're apart still sucks majorly though. I miss him so much sometimes. I'm keeping busy, and I'm doing ok, but I do wish he were here. :(

I got a super sweet, funny email from David yesterday. He called the baby "our little chick, because I think that's what baby penguins are called" (inside joke, but it make me squeal with laughter and glee. I miss him so much).

We're still going around and around about names. Why can't I like anything he suggests??? Is it a control thing? Is it because I automatically think that everything he likes is too girly, just because I know those are the kind of names he likes? What is the deal? I need to figure this out, because it's not fair (to him) and this is important. I don't know. I'm sure I'll be fine with whatever when end up agreeing on, but I'm having trouble agreeing. Even to the suggestions that originate from ME.

Other than all of that... Things are moving along just swimmingly. Get it? 'cuz she's swimming... nevermind. :P

1 comment:

  1. It's normal not to decide on a name until the pressure is on--when the babe is here. Sure there are people who decide early, usually cause it's a family name or they like to have everything so organized. There are so many names, take your time. It'll come. I think it's hard to decide something in a few months that your kid will have to live with for her entire life! She'd want you to take your time.
    Wish I could be there for the ultrasound. I'd love to share that with you.
    BTW, you sound so positive. I can tell you're really happy about your little miss.
