Look look look ------------------->
I'm not sure how I'm going to get the arrow to point at the poll once this post moves down the page, but I'm also not sure I care. I have a poll! Vote!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Pregnancy Ponders
Why the FUCK do my hips hurt so badly? Seriously, I feel like I've been playing hockey, or roller derby and took one too many falls onto the ice/pavement. OUCH. That, or the cartilage dissolved somewhere between weeks 14 and now.
My left knee wants to put its two cents in and say that it hates me too.
What's the deal?
Why the FUCK do my hips hurt so badly? Seriously, I feel like I've been playing hockey, or roller derby and took one too many falls onto the ice/pavement. OUCH. That, or the cartilage dissolved somewhere between weeks 14 and now.
My left knee wants to put its two cents in and say that it hates me too.
What's the deal?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 23. Or: By "Not Much," I Mean "Stuff Has Happened."
Not too much to report here. Been playing the emotional roller coaster game recently. Seems like everyone around me is pregnant too, and most of them are simply overjoyed and poop rainbows and love over their baby-to-be. I'm not as enthusiastic, and I am honestly freaked out at the notion of being responsible for keeping a newborn ALIVE until it's sturdy enough that my ineptitude won't hurt it. It seems to have cost me a friendship, or at least the closeness of a friendship that was very important to me.
Frankly though, if I have to hear everyone else talk about how joyous pregnancy is, and how flippin' excited they are, then how is is fair that I'm not allowed to post my not-so-rainbow-filled thoughts and fears and uncomfortabilities? It's not, but apparently people don't want to be around me because of it. ::sigh:: I wouldn't even post about it, but it's been driving me nuts the last couple of days. I miss my friend.
Anyway. I've been busy with getting things ready for a craft fair I'm selling my soy candles in on Saturday.
David will be home sometime this week, and we're going to have our first ultrasound on the 8th! I just called and the lady was SOOOOO nice. David is taking a Daddy Boot Camp class, offered by the Navy's Fleet and Family Support Center that morning from 0900-1230, and the last appointment the ultrasound office makes is for 2pm. And they were all booked that day. BUT! The super nice lady on the phone said that she could schedule me AFTER that, but just to know that the airconditioner turns off at 2, and if I really don't mind.... she can take us at 2:45.
YAY!!! This means that David gets to be there, and doesn't have to rush over from his morning class. It also means that he won't have to ask for any special time off work either. Or that we'd make an appointment and have to worry if he would get off work in time. YAY!
I also just called Tripler with a question, and managed to reschedule my 16week appt on Thursday so that I can attend their Prenatal class without a big break in between. SWEET, I don't have to move my CAR.
So it appears, that for the time being, things are looking up. I am however, very worried about how the Deployment (because it always has a capital D when I think about it) is going to affect me, David, and our marriage. I'm not too worried about the cats, and the baby doesn't know anything yet, but the other three I'm pretty concerned about. We haven't been through a deployment yet. The longest we've been separated was for about 2 months after we first got married, and I was still in Charleston while he came over here on the boat and got things set up. After the boat pulled in, we talked on the phone everyday, and we could Skype almost every night that wasn't a duty night. Call it a feeling, but I'm pretty sure deployment won't be *quite* like that...
Frankly though, if I have to hear everyone else talk about how joyous pregnancy is, and how flippin' excited they are, then how is is fair that I'm not allowed to post my not-so-rainbow-filled thoughts and fears and uncomfortabilities? It's not, but apparently people don't want to be around me because of it. ::sigh:: I wouldn't even post about it, but it's been driving me nuts the last couple of days. I miss my friend.
Anyway. I've been busy with getting things ready for a craft fair I'm selling my soy candles in on Saturday.
David will be home sometime this week, and we're going to have our first ultrasound on the 8th! I just called and the lady was SOOOOO nice. David is taking a Daddy Boot Camp class, offered by the Navy's Fleet and Family Support Center that morning from 0900-1230, and the last appointment the ultrasound office makes is for 2pm. And they were all booked that day. BUT! The super nice lady on the phone said that she could schedule me AFTER that, but just to know that the airconditioner turns off at 2, and if I really don't mind.... she can take us at 2:45.
YAY!!! This means that David gets to be there, and doesn't have to rush over from his morning class. It also means that he won't have to ask for any special time off work either. Or that we'd make an appointment and have to worry if he would get off work in time. YAY!
I also just called Tripler with a question, and managed to reschedule my 16week appt on Thursday so that I can attend their Prenatal class without a big break in between. SWEET, I don't have to move my CAR.
So it appears, that for the time being, things are looking up. I am however, very worried about how the Deployment (because it always has a capital D when I think about it) is going to affect me, David, and our marriage. I'm not too worried about the cats, and the baby doesn't know anything yet, but the other three I'm pretty concerned about. We haven't been through a deployment yet. The longest we've been separated was for about 2 months after we first got married, and I was still in Charleston while he came over here on the boat and got things set up. After the boat pulled in, we talked on the phone everyday, and we could Skype almost every night that wasn't a duty night. Call it a feeling, but I'm pretty sure deployment won't be *quite* like that...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Current FB Status:
Going to the Pool. No, I did not get a new swimsuit. No, I don't give a fuck. Have a nice day, sorry your eyes are burning out of your head because you saw me in a bikini.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 22. Or: Cherry Poppin' Baby
Today feels better than yesterday. And I may or may NOT have felt the baby kicking this morning before I got out of bed. It kinda felt like a weird *twitch*twitch*twitch*twitch*twitch* in the mid/upper part of my stomach region. Actually, I'm not entirely sure it wasn't just a muscle spasm by one of my long lost abdominal muscles. But I'm going to pretend it was the baby tapdancing on my spleen. That seems like the kind of thing a child of mine would do.
So I came downstairs and burnt the EFF out of my toast...
Then as I aired out the house I played half an hour of music for the baby, through some of those flat disc-like headphones that clip onto your ears. only clipped onto the waistband of my paj-mas. YES THAT MEANS I AM WEARING PANTS.
We listened to a bit of Cherry Poppin' Daddies, some Beatles (of COURSE), Stella Soleil, A few other oldies songs, a song by Breaking Benjamin, and wrapped it up with Frankie Vallie.
Now that I've taken the headphones off my ear and tummy, I'm rocking out to some Blink 182, and whatever else the shuffle on Winamp wants to throw at me/us.
Maybe I'll actually get something productive done today. Don't place bets, but it JUST. MIGHT. HAPPEN.
Today feels better than yesterday. And I may or may NOT have felt the baby kicking this morning before I got out of bed. It kinda felt like a weird *twitch*twitch*twitch*twitch*twitch* in the mid/upper part of my stomach region. Actually, I'm not entirely sure it wasn't just a muscle spasm by one of my long lost abdominal muscles. But I'm going to pretend it was the baby tapdancing on my spleen. That seems like the kind of thing a child of mine would do.
So I came downstairs and burnt the EFF out of my toast...
Then as I aired out the house I played half an hour of music for the baby, through some of those flat disc-like headphones that clip onto your ears. only clipped onto the waistband of my paj-mas. YES THAT MEANS I AM WEARING PANTS.
We listened to a bit of Cherry Poppin' Daddies, some Beatles (of COURSE), Stella Soleil, A few other oldies songs, a song by Breaking Benjamin, and wrapped it up with Frankie Vallie.
Now that I've taken the headphones off my ear and tummy, I'm rocking out to some Blink 182, and whatever else the shuffle on Winamp wants to throw at me/us.
Maybe I'll actually get something productive done today. Don't place bets, but it JUST. MIGHT. HAPPEN.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 21. Or: When Will This Be Fun Again? Was It Ever Fun To Begin With?
Current FB Status:
I'm totally overwhelmed by "this baby thing." I spent most of yesterday on the internet researching cloth diapers. It's definitely something I want to give my best effort to. I just can't stand the idea of putting that much non-biodegradable material into a landfill by using the "easier" disposables. I've got a better idea of what kind I *might* use, but almost everything I read says that personal preference is just that. PERSONAL PREFERENCE. So basically, no matter which diapers are the most highly reccommended, which are the most commonly used, I wont' know which I prefer until I try a bunch of different kinds. Which, Hawaii you SUCK, are only available to me over the internet. which means I won't get to see them until they've been shipped here, and I won't know what my baby likes, what I like until I'm kinda stuck with them. Not to mention the fact that there are about a HUNDRED different cloth diapering options. There are about 4 different TYPES, and then within those types, there are tons and tons of different brands. I have only the slightest of clues of what I want to THINK about MAYBE trying. ::sigh::
So that was yesterday. Last night I went to a friend's house and ended up unloading some of my anxieties on her. The more this pregnancy progresses, the less comforatable I am with the overall idea of "having a baby" and all the meanings of that phrase. I'm freaked out (to use the terminology of my generation) by the fact that I have little to NO experience with newborns/infants/babies. Only through my research have I recently discovered that those three words ACTUALLY MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS!!! Yep, they all refer to different ages/sizes of recently-born humans. "Baby" is a more general term, within which "newborn" and "infant" fit. Who knew? Not me until I Wiki'd it.
I'm also REALLY freaked out by the apparent way that babies come into the world... REALLY freaked. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure that whoever came up with the theory of how people come to exist is really quite the joker and just likes totally elaborate practical jokes. No, I will NOT be watching "The Miracle of Life" any time soon. You can totally see the strings anyway.
Today I'm feeling blueish (which I suppose is better than greenish) because I want a big fat break from the baby-panic and the trying to figure out things I don't know, and trying to make sure I know what I'm talking about before David and I go buy a bunch of baby gear in a week or so, (because he wants to be part of it all, while he can). Anyway, that last sentence doesn't really make sense. The bit about tryign to figure it all out because I want to be prepared when we go to buy stuff is what I want a break from. I'm also rather upset because I want to lay out in the sun and none of my bathingsuits fit me anymore. Most of my bottoms have adjustable ties on the sides, but I like non-adjustable tops (so that when I get hit by a wave, or jump into the water, strategically placed triangles of fabric don't abandon their positions for oh, say, MY ARMPITS. So. I've put on some weight, which is expected, but apparantly my batingsuit tops are no longer willing to *quite* accomodate the new additional heft of well... what bathingsuit tops holster.
And I'm SO not in the mood to go bathingsuit shopping. Is any woman REALLY ever in the mood for bathing suit shopping? I mean, unless you've just met your goal weight, and are feeling fabulous about your body. Which I haven't, and I'm not. Apparently "there are some cute suits at Target, and the Motherhood store at the mall has some stuff too"... I'm mad at the Motherhood store because their stuff is UNNECCESSARILY expensive, and as for Target? I would *like* to find a suit that is adjustable in the back so it can "grow with me" but most of the suits at Target are non adjustable, and would end up looking like I was smuggling a really lumpy (thank you college binge drinking) watermelon.
P.S. What happens to pre-pregnancy belly fat once pregnancy belly starts to take over? Another small thing that I have NO CLUE about.
So I'm not going swimsuit shopping today, unless I have a friend that drags me out of the house, out of pajamas and out into the world. Which is unlikely, because the few of my friends who read this,most all of them have better things to do than look at me looking stupid/lumpy/grumbly in a dressing room. Yes, this is my pity party, all are invited, but keep attitudes negative.
Next week is my 16week appointment, and David will be at sea. No huge surprise there, that's how the Navy rolls. I've mentioned before that military medical professionals kinda suck, and that we're going to go into town to find out the gender at 16-17 weeks, instead for waiting for the Army hospital to *maybe* finally give me an ultrasound at 20 or even 24 weeks.
I'm hoping that pictures/seeing it in there will kickstart some kind of excitement and love for... it. Because I'm not feeling it yet. I want to, but I'm... I don't even know. I'm just not there yet. It doesn't help that other friends that are pregnant are so totally into being pregnant, and are already in love with their babies-to-be. I feel like I'm already failing. I'm just glad that my ineptitude can't make the baby cry yet.
Current FB Status:
Linzy needs a big fat break from the almost constant stream of baby... anxiety/uncertainty/research/thought spirals. I wish I had a bathing suit that fit me (without looking like i *might, but not quite, be pregnant* in). I wish David were here to take me swimsuit shopping (I wouldnt inflict that on anyone else). I wish I didnt feel like ick, I want to go to the pool. :(
I'm totally overwhelmed by "this baby thing." I spent most of yesterday on the internet researching cloth diapers. It's definitely something I want to give my best effort to. I just can't stand the idea of putting that much non-biodegradable material into a landfill by using the "easier" disposables. I've got a better idea of what kind I *might* use, but almost everything I read says that personal preference is just that. PERSONAL PREFERENCE. So basically, no matter which diapers are the most highly reccommended, which are the most commonly used, I wont' know which I prefer until I try a bunch of different kinds. Which, Hawaii you SUCK, are only available to me over the internet. which means I won't get to see them until they've been shipped here, and I won't know what my baby likes, what I like until I'm kinda stuck with them. Not to mention the fact that there are about a HUNDRED different cloth diapering options. There are about 4 different TYPES, and then within those types, there are tons and tons of different brands. I have only the slightest of clues of what I want to THINK about MAYBE trying. ::sigh::
So that was yesterday. Last night I went to a friend's house and ended up unloading some of my anxieties on her. The more this pregnancy progresses, the less comforatable I am with the overall idea of "having a baby" and all the meanings of that phrase. I'm freaked out (to use the terminology of my generation) by the fact that I have little to NO experience with newborns/infants/babies. Only through my research have I recently discovered that those three words ACTUALLY MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS!!! Yep, they all refer to different ages/sizes of recently-born humans. "Baby" is a more general term, within which "newborn" and "infant" fit. Who knew? Not me until I Wiki'd it.
I'm also REALLY freaked out by the apparent way that babies come into the world... REALLY freaked. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'm pretty sure that whoever came up with the theory of how people come to exist is really quite the joker and just likes totally elaborate practical jokes. No, I will NOT be watching "The Miracle of Life" any time soon. You can totally see the strings anyway.
Today I'm feeling blueish (which I suppose is better than greenish) because I want a big fat break from the baby-panic and the trying to figure out things I don't know, and trying to make sure I know what I'm talking about before David and I go buy a bunch of baby gear in a week or so, (because he wants to be part of it all, while he can). Anyway, that last sentence doesn't really make sense. The bit about tryign to figure it all out because I want to be prepared when we go to buy stuff is what I want a break from. I'm also rather upset because I want to lay out in the sun and none of my bathingsuits fit me anymore. Most of my bottoms have adjustable ties on the sides, but I like non-adjustable tops (so that when I get hit by a wave, or jump into the water, strategically placed triangles of fabric don't abandon their positions for oh, say, MY ARMPITS. So. I've put on some weight, which is expected, but apparantly my batingsuit tops are no longer willing to *quite* accomodate the new additional heft of well... what bathingsuit tops holster.
And I'm SO not in the mood to go bathingsuit shopping. Is any woman REALLY ever in the mood for bathing suit shopping? I mean, unless you've just met your goal weight, and are feeling fabulous about your body. Which I haven't, and I'm not. Apparently "there are some cute suits at Target, and the Motherhood store at the mall has some stuff too"... I'm mad at the Motherhood store because their stuff is UNNECCESSARILY expensive, and as for Target? I would *like* to find a suit that is adjustable in the back so it can "grow with me" but most of the suits at Target are non adjustable, and would end up looking like I was smuggling a really lumpy (thank you college binge drinking) watermelon.
P.S. What happens to pre-pregnancy belly fat once pregnancy belly starts to take over? Another small thing that I have NO CLUE about.
So I'm not going swimsuit shopping today, unless I have a friend that drags me out of the house, out of pajamas and out into the world. Which is unlikely, because the few of my friends who read this,
Next week is my 16week appointment, and David will be at sea. No huge surprise there, that's how the Navy rolls. I've mentioned before that military medical professionals kinda suck, and that we're going to go into town to find out the gender at 16-17 weeks, instead for waiting for the Army hospital to *maybe* finally give me an ultrasound at 20 or even 24 weeks.
I'm hoping that pictures/seeing it in there will kickstart some kind of excitement and love for... it. Because I'm not feeling it yet. I want to, but I'm... I don't even know. I'm just not there yet. It doesn't help that other friends that are pregnant are so totally into being pregnant, and are already in love with their babies-to-be. I feel like I'm already failing. I'm just glad that my ineptitude can't make the baby cry yet.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 21-ish. Or: Mere Fragments of a New Post.
I keep thinking about things to mention/blog about, but then I'll forget and then I'll think of a new one and try to remember what the old one was, and then I'll forget the new one, so here's three that I've had tumbling in my head today:
1)Round Ligament Pain feels like the baby has a pocket knife/switchblade/machete in there.
a)[clever text message exchange from this morning about babies wielding machetes goes here]
2)I dreamed about my COUSIN'S twins, boy & a girl, does THAT could as premonitory?
a)Is premonitory a word? Firefox spell check didn't pop me, so I guess it's legit.
b)[define premonitory here]
3) Uuuuuuum.....
a) Dammit, I forgot again.
I keep thinking about things to mention/blog about, but then I'll forget and then I'll think of a new one and try to remember what the old one was, and then I'll forget the new one, so here's three that I've had tumbling in my head today:
1)Round Ligament Pain feels like the baby has a pocket knife/switchblade/machete in there.
a)[clever text message exchange from this morning about babies wielding machetes goes here]
2)I dreamed about my COUSIN'S twins, boy & a girl, does THAT could as premonitory?
a)Is premonitory a word? Firefox spell check didn't pop me, so I guess it's legit.
b)[define premonitory here]
3) Uuuuuuum.....
a) Dammit, I forgot again.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pregnancy Ponders
14 wks 6d
Why does baby stab me in the left side of my abdomen whenever I sneeze? And sometimes when I blow my nose?
I know that things in there are rearranging themselves, intestines getting squished around and stuff like that, but this is consistent stabbery.
WTF baby. Why can't I sneeze without your retaliation, and where did you get a tiny little knife?
Why does baby stab me in the left side of my abdomen whenever I sneeze? And sometimes when I blow my nose?
I know that things in there are rearranging themselves, intestines getting squished around and stuff like that, but this is consistent stabbery.
WTF baby. Why can't I sneeze without your retaliation, and where did you get a tiny little knife?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Nesting, or Just a Love For Shopping?
David's underway again, for about 2 weeks, and today I have the sudden urge to go shopping for baby stuff.
When David is back, we're going to go to a place in town that does ultrasounds and they should be able to tell us the gender then. I have my 16weeks checkup appointment a few days before he gets back, but I'm going to ask them not to tell me the gender so that we can find out at the same time. It's actually cheaper than I was expecting, at the place we're going to go to. I was surprised. Here's the link for any Hawaii-preggos if you'd like it. (Thanks Mama Strick) :]
I'm ready to see what this bean is, so that I can start SHOPPING!! hahaha
I guess it's good that I'm going to wait for David to get back... this way he'll be able to give input on the baby-apperati before the deployment.
Guess I'll just have to chill out for another 2 weeks or so. eek.
EVERYONE seems to think it's a boy though. I'm not placing any bets, but that's what David and I kinda think too.
When David is back, we're going to go to a place in town that does ultrasounds and they should be able to tell us the gender then. I have my 16weeks checkup appointment a few days before he gets back, but I'm going to ask them not to tell me the gender so that we can find out at the same time. It's actually cheaper than I was expecting, at the place we're going to go to. I was surprised. Here's the link for any Hawaii-preggos if you'd like it. (Thanks Mama Strick) :]
I'm ready to see what this bean is, so that I can start SHOPPING!! hahaha
I guess it's good that I'm going to wait for David to get back... this way he'll be able to give input on the baby-apperati before the deployment.
Guess I'll just have to chill out for another 2 weeks or so. eek.
EVERYONE seems to think it's a boy though. I'm not placing any bets, but that's what David and I kinda think too.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Current Complaint
Did you know that having sex can give you heartburn? It's true. And AWFUL.
P.S. You can also get pregnant which might cause you to get heartburn when you have sex.
Now you know.
Did you know that having sex can give you heartburn? It's true. And AWFUL.
P.S. You can also get pregnant which might cause you to get heartburn when you have sex.
Now you know.
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 18. Or: You Know How I Know I'm Pregnant Part 3.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 8:48pm · s ·
LisaBeth K April 9 at 2:49pm
13 wks
So I definitely just cried at Outback because David made the waitress give back the plate that still had little pieces of bacon left on it. Apparantly he recognized the look of horror on my face that she was taking it away from me and swiftly decided I needed that bacon to be happy.
It was so sweet.
Then as I'm wiping tears from my eyes, I told him he's SO not allowed to post this on Facebook. He laughed because that was EXACTLY what he was thinking. I laughed too, and here it is.
It was delicious.
13 wks
So I definitely just cried at Outback because David made the waitress give back the plate that still had little pieces of bacon left on it. Apparantly he recognized the look of horror on my face that she was taking it away from me and swiftly decided I needed that bacon to be happy.
It was so sweet.
Then as I'm wiping tears from my eyes, I told him he's SO not allowed to post this on Facebook. He laughed because that was EXACTLY what he was thinking. I laughed too, and here it is.
It was delicious.
I would cry if someone took my bacon. (And I don't even have raging pregnancy hormones...I just love bacon.)
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 17. Or: Still Burning, And An Agreement Has Been Made.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 10:31am
So. Heartburn effing SUCKS. I've never really had it before, so I never really thought about it. Well, now I get it and It. Is. Awful.
Here's a VERY positive development in the "name game"...
David and I discussed it last night. His main name hang-up is that he doesn't want his boy made fun of for having an unusual name. He said he got made fun of for his last name in school "Power Rangers", "Powers Wheels", etc. MY main name hang-up is that I want my daughter to have a name that's interesting. Something that she won't have to have her last initial tacked after it for her entire school career. I always did, and it's part of the reason that I don't like my name. That's why I spell it the way I do. I REALLY want to change it legally, but I haven't looked into it yet. But that's another discussion.
We decided that for a boy, David will choose the first name, and I will choose the middle name. For a girl, I will choose the first name and David will choose the middle name. We're each going to choose about 5-10 names for each list and see what works best with the other person's lists. It's FAIR, and we can both stick with what we believe in, respectively.
I feel SO much better about this name thing now, even if we only have a couple more weeks till we find out what it will be. I'm also glad we worked this out BEFORE we found out what it will be so that we won't argue about it when it comes down to who gets to pick the first name!
I'm excited about not having to compromise my beliefs about the kind of name I want for a daughter. I'm sure David is relieved that his boy will get a "normal name." I just hope that something on our lists go together! :]
· s ·
Skylar C
Amanda S
Amanda S
Deb R
Amanda S
Jessie R
Dexx R
Dexx R
So. Heartburn effing SUCKS. I've never really had it before, so I never really thought about it. Well, now I get it and It. Is. Awful.
Here's a VERY positive development in the "name game"...
David and I discussed it last night. His main name hang-up is that he doesn't want his boy made fun of for having an unusual name. He said he got made fun of for his last name in school "Power Rangers", "Powers Wheels", etc. MY main name hang-up is that I want my daughter to have a name that's interesting. Something that she won't have to have her last initial tacked after it for her entire school career. I always did, and it's part of the reason that I don't like my name. That's why I spell it the way I do. I REALLY want to change it legally, but I haven't looked into it yet. But that's another discussion.
We decided that for a boy, David will choose the first name, and I will choose the middle name. For a girl, I will choose the first name and David will choose the middle name. We're each going to choose about 5-10 names for each list and see what works best with the other person's lists. It's FAIR, and we can both stick with what we believe in, respectively.
I feel SO much better about this name thing now, even if we only have a couple more weeks till we find out what it will be. I'm also glad we worked this out BEFORE we found out what it will be so that we won't argue about it when it comes down to who gets to pick the first name!
I'm excited about not having to compromise my beliefs about the kind of name I want for a daughter. I'm sure David is relieved that his boy will get a "normal name." I just hope that something on our lists go together! :]
· s ·
That's awesome! You guys are such a good couple! Getting down to the root issue is something so many couples never figure out. And this is why every appointment in my office is filled with divorces.
April 7 at 11:43am
hahaha, Thanks! But, we have PLENTY of other things we fight about that are still unresolved. Eventually we do get around to talking about them, but it usually takes a while and a fight or two about them. Keep in mind it's been weeks since we first started suggesting baby names to each other. I heard of someone else using this solution for their baby name dilemma and I figured it was worth suggesting to David. I'm so glad we worked it all out! :]
April 7 at 11:58am ·
I'd never had it before either, and had it for about 6 months of my pregnancy. But I haven't had it since I had Olivia, so there's hope!
April 7 at 11:59am ·
Amanda, what did you take for your heartburn? I've got some old Tums from a few years ago, but They only kinda-sorta work.
April 7 at 12:32pm
The "Tums" I have are actually a knock-off brand that "expired" in July of 2008... I guess I need to get some new ones!
April 7 at 12:44pm
The best thing for me was to take four tums, and drink a glass of milk. I don't like to drink milk without some sort of cookie or cake to go with it, so I often made it chocolate milk. But sometimes I drank regular milk straight if that was all that was available because it made me feel so much better. And it was a large glass of milk. A slice of bread also helped.
Soda is a big no-no. The carbonation made the heartburn TERRIBLE. Anything tomato based also made me feel bad.
Soda is a big no-no. The carbonation made the heartburn TERRIBLE. Anything tomato based also made me feel bad.
April 7 at 12:49pm
Get a huge bottle!!!! I'm not kidding...I had no less than 10 a day, and as you get bigger it gets worse! But the tums and milk DOES help!
BTW, on the subject of milk. I've been buying smart balance with Omega and yadda yadda. It tastes super creamy...like 2% but it is low fat, AND lots of added good stuff for you and baby!
BTW, on the subject of milk. I've been buying smart balance with Omega and yadda yadda. It tastes super creamy...like 2% but it is low fat, AND lots of added good stuff for you and baby!
April 7 at 12:51pm
Hmm. I'll consider the Omega. And get some "real" Tums.
I've also been having TONS of these sort of burps, but no air comes up, nothing shifts, it's just awful and uncomfortable. I'd been considering drinking Sprite just so the bubbles would give me something to burp! :(
I've also been having TONS of these sort of burps, but no air comes up, nothing shifts, it's just awful and uncomfortable. I'd been considering drinking Sprite just so the bubbles would give me something to burp! :(
April 7 at 1:38pm
Oh yes..."The Burps." I remember them well. Sometimes I called them "Burpies."
April 7 at 1:41pm
Lol - nothing helpful to contribute to the heartburn conversation here, but I love the naming convention :)
April 7 at 2:16pm
me too! It's ridiculously fair. Though, I might change my mind, depending on what names David comes up with haha
April 7 at 2:22pm
I can understand being made fun of because of a unique name. My entire life I have been referred to as Dexter's Laboratory, Dexter (From the tv show), Dick Rectum (High School), Rectum, Rectum Raider, ERector, ERection Set, so I can understand that bit. The thing is though that if I hadn't had all those fun names growing up I probably wouldn't have become as hilarious as I am today. People really remember the unique names, and it does help eventually. And I boooooooo heartburn! :)
April 7 at 3:27pm
Exactly, Dexx. My thoughts about unusual names are mostly that childhood only lasts so long, as will the childhood teasing. A person will hopefully (in terms of years lived, not maturity) be an adult for a lot longer than they will be a child. Also that the experiences make a person who they are.
I like that you spell your name with two X's. It makes your name unique. :]
I like that you spell your name with two X's. It makes your name unique. :]
April 7 at 3:33pm
It was my Dad's idea, his name is Dexter. He didn't want people calling me Junior, so he took the -ter off and added an 'X'
April 7 at 6:41pm
huh. That's kinda neat. Do you like it? would you have left off the second "x" if you could?
April 8 at 12:41pm
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Current Complaint
4.7.10, 12:29pm
13 wks
I just had a delicious, satisfying lunch. Tomato soup, a bagel, carnation instant breakfast (chocolate milk), and a few orange wedges. It was so tasty.
Not delicious enough that I hope to taste it again on it's way back up. Please stay down, please stay down.
P.S. I would also appreciate it if I could avoid heartburn from you, oh-so-tasty-meal. K thnx, bai.
13 wks
I just had a delicious, satisfying lunch. Tomato soup, a bagel, carnation instant breakfast (chocolate milk), and a few orange wedges. It was so tasty.
Not delicious enough that I hope to taste it again on it's way back up. Please stay down, please stay down.
P.S. I would also appreciate it if I could avoid heartburn from you, oh-so-tasty-meal. K thnx, bai.
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 16. Or: Much To My Dismay; That Just Means It's Working.
One of my favorite commercials EVER, is the Tobacco Awareness commercial where three girls are putting a face mask on at a slumber party.
Girl A, fanning her face: This is kind of burning!
Girl B: That just means it's working.
Tobacco products kill 1 in three users.
End Scene.
Today was pretty rotten, on the general scale of "How are you feeling?" It began at 2:30, as usual, began again around 3:45, and again at about 4:56, ten minutes before David's alarm went off. 5:30, and 6:30. ::sigh::
So, I was tired all day. Tired + nausea = cranky.
Afternoon brought a headache, probably caused by the tired and the cranky.
Late afternoon brought on the very first heartburn I've had in any kind of not-so-recent memory. It's pretty unpleasant. I keep burping up... burning. Chicken and rice should NOT be heartburn inducing. Neither should that doughnut.
Also, I discovered today that I only have 2 pair of pants with which I'm still on speaking terms. One of the two are my green plaid pajama pants. The other pair belongs to David. :(
So I guess all "That just means it's working." ::sigh::
One of my favorite commercials EVER, is the Tobacco Awareness commercial where three girls are putting a face mask on at a slumber party.
Girl A, fanning her face: This is kind of burning!
Girl B: That just means it's working.
Tobacco products kill 1 in three users.
End Scene.
Today was pretty rotten, on the general scale of "How are you feeling?" It began at 2:30, as usual, began again around 3:45, and again at about 4:56, ten minutes before David's alarm went off. 5:30, and 6:30. ::sigh::
So, I was tired all day. Tired + nausea = cranky.
Afternoon brought a headache, probably caused by the tired and the cranky.
Late afternoon brought on the very first heartburn I've had in any kind of not-so-recent memory. It's pretty unpleasant. I keep burping up... burning. Chicken and rice should NOT be heartburn inducing. Neither should that doughnut.
Also, I discovered today that I only have 2 pair of pants with which I'm still on speaking terms. One of the two are my green plaid pajama pants. The other pair belongs to David. :(
So I guess all "That just means it's working." ::sigh::
· s ·
=( Im feel so bad for you girlie.....just keep reminding yourself of the big picture. in the end it will all be worth it. Im pretty sure there are OTC meds that are safe for heartburn. Slowly drinking milk helps too.
It may be time to invest in some maternity cloths. I know you didnt want to go there just yet but it should make you feel alil ... See Morecomfort in knowing you are growing. I found cute and simple, and reasonable prices, at Old Navy for maternity stuff. And now that I think of it, I went around 12-14 weeks.
It may be time to invest in some maternity cloths. I know you didnt want to go there just yet but it should make you feel alil ... See Morecomfort in knowing you are growing. I found cute and simple, and reasonable prices, at Old Navy for maternity stuff. And now that I think of it, I went around 12-14 weeks.
April 6 at 9:12am ·
Linzy Powers
We're completely out of milk. :( I ended up trying a home remedy for the heartburn and it made me throw up. I recognized stuff in there from LUNCH. ::sigh:: After that I rummaged through our linen closet and came up with some really old tums-knock-offs.
As for the maternity clothes... I was just going to see if David wanted to buy some new shorts... See More... But I guess I can try Old Navy. The last time I went though, all their maternity stuff was super uggo. I was going to ask when you had to bite it and go for new clothes though... :]
As for the maternity clothes... I was just going to see if David wanted to buy some new shorts... See More... But I guess I can try Old Navy. The last time I went though, all their maternity stuff was super uggo. I was going to ask when you had to bite it and go for new clothes though... :]
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 15. Or: Whatever Is In There Has A Heartbeat.
I had my 12 week appointment on Wednesday. It wasn't very much fun. David and I got lost in Tripler (the Army Hospital they send the military preggos to) and whether he knew it or not, we were in a fight and it was his fault we were lost. We made it on time to my appt and the nurse took me into a room to get weighed (yep, still fat. And by that I mean fatter than I should have been before I started gaining baby-weight). When she opened the door to the exam room with the scale, one of the wives from the boat (Sara C.) that I'd heard was also pregnant was sitting on the table waiting for her appointment to begin! Guess that rumor is CONFIRMED!! (She's 16 weeks)
Anyhoo, after that, we went into my exam room and then back out to talk to whatever-kind-of nurse-she-was-with-an-office-and-a-desk. She didn't really care what I had to say. She gave me those"Yeah, ok, but here's what I've been trained to tell you" kinds of responses, so I quit bothering to try and tell her about what I think, what I've been feeling, whatever. Then we went back to the exam room, which was EFFING FREEZING, BTW, and had a very uncomfortable, very ick-factor, all-up-in-my-business exam. She could have at least dimmed the lights and put on a Barry White Album... >:(
After THAT was over, she put some of that... gel-stuff on my stomach and tried to find the heartbeat. Yep, it certainly has one. And it's definitely *my* child because it squirmed away, just to be contrary when David pulled out his phone to record it. He got a little clip of it though. He's pretty pleased with that.
Next appointment is at the end of April. Will be ultrasounding then, at 16 weeks.
In other news, I'm transferring all these notes as they are to my blogger site. I'm transferring the comments too. I am editing the last names down to Initials only, but I do want to commemorate who was commenting and what they said. :]
The reason for the double internetting is that Blogger has a Blog-to-Print option, so if I save these notes, and they're still funny at the end of this pregnancy, then I'll look into the print option and will have a hard copy of the sort-of journal I've been keeping for after the Zombie Apocalypse comes and the technological world as we know has come crashing to a halt. Though, in that event, I'm sure I won't give a fat damn about how yukky I felt during February-October 2010 in light of more important things such as foraging for food and perfecting my one-shot-kills.
I'm transferring them anyway.
hearts and headshots,
I had my 12 week appointment on Wednesday. It wasn't very much fun. David and I got lost in Tripler (the Army Hospital they send the military preggos to) and whether he knew it or not, we were in a fight and it was his fault we were lost. We made it on time to my appt and the nurse took me into a room to get weighed (yep, still fat. And by that I mean fatter than I should have been before I started gaining baby-weight). When she opened the door to the exam room with the scale, one of the wives from the boat (Sara C.) that I'd heard was also pregnant was sitting on the table waiting for her appointment to begin! Guess that rumor is CONFIRMED!! (She's 16 weeks)
Anyhoo, after that, we went into my exam room and then back out to talk to whatever-kind-of nurse-she-was-with-an-offi
After THAT was over, she put some of that... gel-stuff on my stomach and tried to find the heartbeat. Yep, it certainly has one. And it's definitely *my* child because it squirmed away, just to be contrary when David pulled out his phone to record it. He got a little clip of it though. He's pretty pleased with that.
Next appointment is at the end of April. Will be ultrasounding then, at 16 weeks.
In other news, I'm transferring all these notes as they are to my blogger site. I'm transferring the comments too. I am editing the last names down to Initials only, but I do want to commemorate who was commenting and what they said. :]
The reason for the double internetting is that Blogger has a Blog-to-Print option, so if I save these notes, and they're still funny at the end of this pregnancy, then I'll look into the print option and will have a hard copy of the sort-of journal I've been keeping for after the Zombie Apocalypse comes and the technological world as we know has come crashing to a halt. Though, in that event, I'm sure I won't give a fat damn about how yukky I felt during February-October 2010 in light of more important things such as foraging for food and perfecting my one-shot-kills.
I'm transferring them anyway.
hearts and headshots,
· s ·
Ashley H-H likes this.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 14. Or: Definitely Dying.
Last night/the wee early hours of this morn brought a migraine and insomnia. I got MAYBE 3 hours of sleep between midnight last night and 6am when I called my boss to tell her that no way was today happening (paraphrased, of course). I feel so crummy I have the brightness turned waaay down on my laptop because it hurts my eyes. My head is splitting open. The 1 Extra Strength Tylenol I'm allowed isn't strong enough to conquer the pain. I don't know if this nausea is from baby (still grounded), or from Headache of Doom. I've definitely had more migraines since I got pregnant, and I'm not allowed to take medicine that make me feel better. I would KILL to be able to take Advil. i MISS Advil. ::sigh::
Woo, yeah. Let's have a baby.
Last night/the wee early hours of this morn brought a migraine and insomnia. I got MAYBE 3 hours of sleep between midnight last night and 6am when I called my boss to tell her that no way was today happening (paraphrased, of course). I feel so crummy I have the brightness turned waaay down on my laptop because it hurts my eyes. My head is splitting open. The 1 Extra Strength Tylenol I'm allowed isn't strong enough to conquer the pain. I don't know if this nausea is from baby (still grounded), or from Headache of Doom. I've definitely had more migraines since I got pregnant, and I'm not allowed to take medicine that make me feel better. I would KILL to be able to take Advil. i MISS Advil. ::sigh::
Woo, yeah. Let's have a baby.
There you go look at the positive of having a baby, you get to take good drugs then. lol
Tue at 9:55pm ·
Tue at 10:09pm ·
Not gonna lie, I'd rather have it cut out of me. I'm just afraid they're gonna make me push for 23 hours first, like my friend back last April had to with her daughter before they figured out that the baby was too big to go that way...
Tue at 11:10pm ·
Well I was a month overdue, and put my mom into labor for 13 hours, so I say c-section all the way
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 13. Or: Am I Too Early Or Already Behind And Running Out Of Time?
All this baby stuff is putting me in a weird/sad/upset/slightly anxious mood tonight. I feel like I'm already behind in picking out the big stuff because David doesn't have much time at home before deployment, but I'm also not quite 12 weeks long. One of my friends that is also pregnant, but a few weeks less than I am is already buying the big stuff for her potential baby. She just found out for sure last week. I feel like I'm procrastinating... putting off getting the stuff until right before I actually need it. It makes me feel guilty, I guess. David gets deployed in May. He'll only be home for a few short weeks before then, and not consecutively. Should we go ahead and buy a bunch of stuff for a baby we don't know the sex of yet? Should I take advantage of the time we have together to buy and set up the nursery RIGHT NOW? It's almost the end of March. April will fly by and then it'll be time for him to leave. DO we need to hurry?
I also feel like it's RIDICULOUS for me to start buying big stuff yet! I'm not even into my second trimester! I haven't even had my first actual OB appointment! I feel like there's still such a chance that something could go wrong before baby is supposed to be here, and then I'd be stuck with a bunch of expensive baby furniture and reminders of a miscarriage. I guess I feel like this is a gamble. I still don't 100% believe that I'm pregnant. I didn't hear "the heartbeat" at 7 weeks when we tried to find it. I've stopped feeling nauseous so often, and other symptoms have faded too, so I feel normal enough, just tired. I've got plenty of college/lazy fat on my stomach area, so I don't know if it's even going to show when it's time to show. I almost feel like buying a bunch of pee-tests and taking one every now and then just for a confirmation that yep, I'm still pregnant this week... And if I feel like this, how am I supposed to be confident when we buy baby furniture? I'm not concerned about the little stuff right now, that will come in bits and pieces, but the big stuff is freaking me out.
I don't know which set of feelings makes more sense. I don't know why I'm not more excited about this. Maybe it's the prospect of being without David's daily support for the last half of the pregnancy. Maybe it's the thoughts of all the things I'll never do, or have to put off now that there'll be a baby/toddler/child. Maybe they'll sort themselves out when we get closer to deciding on names. Maybe it's just hormones.
I wish it weren't a duty night. 'night y'all.
All this baby stuff is putting me in a weird/sad/upset/slightly anxious mood tonight. I feel like I'm already behind in picking out the big stuff because David doesn't have much time at home before deployment, but I'm also not quite 12 weeks long. One of my friends that is also pregnant, but a few weeks less than I am is already buying the big stuff for her potential baby. She just found out for sure last week. I feel like I'm procrastinating... putting off getting the stuff until right before I actually need it. It makes me feel guilty, I guess. David gets deployed in May. He'll only be home for a few short weeks before then, and not consecutively. Should we go ahead and buy a bunch of stuff for a baby we don't know the sex of yet? Should I take advantage of the time we have together to buy and set up the nursery RIGHT NOW? It's almost the end of March. April will fly by and then it'll be time for him to leave. DO we need to hurry?
I also feel like it's RIDICULOUS for me to start buying big stuff yet! I'm not even into my second trimester! I haven't even had my first actual OB appointment! I feel like there's still such a chance that something could go wrong before baby is supposed to be here, and then I'd be stuck with a bunch of expensive baby furniture and reminders of a miscarriage. I guess I feel like this is a gamble. I still don't 100% believe that I'm pregnant. I didn't hear "the heartbeat" at 7 weeks when we tried to find it. I've stopped feeling nauseous so often, and other symptoms have faded too, so I feel normal enough, just tired. I've got plenty of college/lazy fat on my stomach area, so I don't know if it's even going to show when it's time to show. I almost feel like buying a bunch of pee-tests and taking one every now and then just for a confirmation that yep, I'm still pregnant this week... And if I feel like this, how am I supposed to be confident when we buy baby furniture? I'm not concerned about the little stuff right now, that will come in bits and pieces, but the big stuff is freaking me out.
I don't know which set of feelings makes more sense. I don't know why I'm not more excited about this. Maybe it's the prospect of being without David's daily support for the last half of the pregnancy. Maybe it's the thoughts of all the things I'll never do, or have to put off now that there'll be a baby/toddler/child. Maybe they'll sort themselves out when we get closer to deciding on names. Maybe it's just hormones.
I wish it weren't a duty night. 'night y'all.
· s ·
I am going to go out and say it is a mixture of a bunch of things. Hormones, David being deployed, and the fact that you aren't home with people you know and trust 100%. As far as the furniture goes some people strategize as to when they will get pregnant and all that. Without knowing the sex if you want to go out and get stuff, try getting neutral... See More sex items. I don't know what those are because it has been 7ish years since I had to help buy baby stuff. I do remember that yellow is a neutral color though. You will be alright though, I have faith.
March 28 at 12:00am ·
My completely uninformed opinion is that everyone takes it differently, and I think you're doing just fine. I think I would probably feel the way you do. The bright side of pregnancy? It's not like you're reinventing the wheel or anything.
March 28 at 12:27am ·
Things have a way of working themselves out. The worst thing about being pregnant is the unsolicited advice, so Brandi and I won't give any. But if you ever need to talk, just let us know.
March 28 at 1:00am ·
Hey dont worry so much about the timing or the getting started or anything like that. You enjoy the time you have with David here and make the best of it. Get ideas together of what you both like, talk about everything and focus on your health and not the materials. You are right, you are so early that that dreadful possibility is there so I dont ... See Moreblame you for feeling a little disbelief. Rowdy and I didnt actually buy anything big til the first week of second trimester because I felt the same way. Once the doc said, "OK, you are at the point where miscarriage % decreases", we had our green light. Plus, when David is deployed he isnt going to be totally gone for decision making. He can get on webcam/internet with you and you guys can make choices and then you have us to go with you to get your things. Ill be popped by then so while you babysit Ill build or whatever =) there will be plenty of help for all that. And that offer stands for you and Em-
March 28 at 9:23am ·
Thanks Dexx, you're sweet. I appreciate your vote of confidence! :]
Skylar, your comment about the wheel made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that!
Ric, at this point, I'm welcoming *most* suggestions, and *most people's* suggestions, especially since I'm putting my worries out on the internet for friends to see. If you'd like to offer advice, I'd love to have it. You have 3 beautiful awesome kids, so you're obviously doing things right! What do you think?... See More
Johanna, David and I discussed this morning about what's important to him to be part of, and what he really doesn't care about. We're still figuring things out, but at least we've got some things figured out (closer to figured out). Seeing you and Em geek out about baby gear and nursery stuff just made me feel all weird and of-track, haha.
Skylar, your comment about the wheel made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that!
Ric, at this point, I'm welcoming *most* suggestions, and *most people's* suggestions, especially since I'm putting my worries out on the internet for friends to see. If you'd like to offer advice, I'd love to have it. You have 3 beautiful awesome kids, so you're obviously doing things right! What do you think?... See More
Johanna, David and I discussed this morning about what's important to him to be part of, and what he really doesn't care about. We're still figuring things out, but at least we've got some things figured out (closer to figured out). Seeing you and Em geek out about baby gear and nursery stuff just made me feel all weird and of-track, haha.
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 12. Or: You Know How I Know I'm Pregnant, Part 2.
I cried tonight when David put aluminum cans in the trash instead of in a bag for recycling. CRIED. About SODA CANS.
He fished them out and apologized for killing the planet.
Updated about a week ago · ·
Linzy Powers
Ashley H-H March 26 at 12:17pm
I cried tonight when David put aluminum cans in the trash instead of in a bag for recycling. CRIED. About SODA CANS.
He fished them out and apologized for killing the planet.
Updated about a week ago · ·
He was trying to be helpful and clean the kitchen, and our recycling is totally out of hand, and he threw them in there rather than start ANOTHER bag of recycling. We saved them though!
March 26 at 8:47am ·
man! You need to call me so I can tape this stuff!
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 11. Or: I Hate Kids, I Think I'll Have A Koala Instead. Share
11 weeks
Yesterday was what I thought was a turning point in the death that has been pregnancy so far. It was a lie and baby was actually just luring me into a false sense of security so it could kill me all last night and today.
I felt GOOD yesterday. Hardly any nausea, not tired till the evening, and then I sat in bed to relax after running errands after work and nearly died when I *tried* to get up. My lower back had tightened up, for no apparantly reason and wasn't letting go to relax. I tried to stretch it back out (like you do with leg cramps and such), but it was having none of it. That lasted for several hours. When it went away, the insomnia kicked in, and I saw 2:45. 3:45. 4:25. 6:15. Then the nausea woke up, and attacked. It's all I can do to choke down 3 Ritz crackers with peanut butter. And this applesauce is the most disgusting applesauce in the history of all applesauces.
It's nice though, that when one of my other friends, also pregnant, texts me, "Have a good day, good luck not killing anyone." I can text right back, "Thanks. You too!"
I'm getting a heating pad TODAY. If there's a sock on the door, do not disturb.
11 weeks
Yesterday was what I thought was a turning point in the death that has been pregnancy so far. It was a lie and baby was actually just luring me into a false sense of security so it could kill me all last night and today.
I felt GOOD yesterday. Hardly any nausea, not tired till the evening, and then I sat in bed to relax after running errands after work and nearly died when I *tried* to get up. My lower back had tightened up, for no apparantly reason and wasn't letting go to relax. I tried to stretch it back out (like you do with leg cramps and such), but it was having none of it. That lasted for several hours. When it went away, the insomnia kicked in, and I saw 2:45. 3:45. 4:25. 6:15. Then the nausea woke up, and attacked. It's all I can do to choke down 3 Ritz crackers with peanut butter. And this applesauce is the most disgusting applesauce in the history of all applesauces.
It's nice though, that when one of my other friends, also pregnant, texts me, "Have a good day, good luck not killing anyone." I can text right back, "Thanks. You too!"
I'm getting a heating pad TODAY. If there's a sock on the door, do not disturb.
If it could make me laugh, I would leave David for this heating pad. And by "leave" I mean "spend more time with than" because I am sure as hell not moving and David will be home eventually. He keeps stuff here too. ;]
The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 10. Or: I Can't Pick A Name, But Baby's First Halloween Is On Lockdown.
David and I are still going roundabout on names. He either likes really weird names from books (Think Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett Books), or really vanilla plain names that I don't like. I like really interesting names for girls, and *mostly* slightly more traditional ones for boys.
I've been thinking about the nursery I want and the dynamics of our house and what days might be like after baby is here. Right now I've pretty much decided I want a bassinet to go in our room/baby's room until baby grows out of it and needs a crib in his/her own room. I want a rocker/glider in baby's room, and probably a changing table. I want to get a Pack 'n' Play for downstairs (which has a bassinet part and a changing part on it that are removable as baby grows up!). I feel pretty confident that that will work for us. I can probably get most of those, if not all of those from Craigslist or yardsale or consignment stores. And if not, I've got 29 weeks and 2 days to save up for them.
One thing I HAVE decided on, is baby's first Halloween costume: I'll be a butterfly and baby will be a caterpillar! (Though, depending on how I feel I might be a busted chrysalis and baby can be the butterfly, hahaha
The nausea is lessening ever-so-slightly, but the insomnia is kicking in. I guess it's good practice for being woken up every couple of hours by my bladder and then by baby as time progresses... But it SURE does make long days at work hellish. The less sleep I get, the worse the nausea is also...
No crazy cravings. No heartburn (yet, though I heard about and dread it's coming). I have been trying to eat healthy-is-ly... I'm having peas and a string cheese and a sprite for snack. Hey, it's a veggie and a dairy!
I can't believe I'm almost done with the first trimester... As of last week, I'm 1/4 of the way through! It'll still be 60,000 linzy-years till the end though. And it's not even an end, it's a beginning...
David and I are still going roundabout on names. He either likes really weird names from books (Think Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett Books), or really vanilla plain names that I don't like. I like really interesting names for girls, and *mostly* slightly more traditional ones for boys.
I've been thinking about the nursery I want and the dynamics of our house and what days might be like after baby is here. Right now I've pretty much decided I want a bassinet to go in our room/baby's room until baby grows out of it and needs a crib in his/her own room. I want a rocker/glider in baby's room, and probably a changing table. I want to get a Pack 'n' Play for downstairs (which has a bassinet part and a changing part on it that are removable as baby grows up!). I feel pretty confident that that will work for us. I can probably get most of those, if not all of those from Craigslist or yardsale or consignment stores. And if not, I've got 29 weeks and 2 days to save up for them.
One thing I HAVE decided on, is baby's first Halloween costume: I'll be a butterfly and baby will be a caterpillar! (Though, depending on how I feel I might be a busted chrysalis and baby can be the butterfly, hahaha
The nausea is lessening ever-so-slightly, but the insomnia is kicking in. I guess it's good practice for being woken up every couple of hours by my bladder and then by baby as time progresses... But it SURE does make long days at work hellish. The less sleep I get, the worse the nausea is also...
No crazy cravings. No heartburn (yet, though I heard about and dread it's coming). I have been trying to eat healthy-is-ly... I'm having peas and a string cheese and a sprite for snack. Hey, it's a veggie and a dairy!
I can't believe I'm almost done with the first trimester... As of last week, I'm 1/4 of the way through! It'll still be 60,000 linzy-years till the end though. And it's not even an end, it's a beginning...
U could always name her Chasta...HAHA! Thats a very unique and uncommon name. Just and idea! lol
March 22 at 2:23pm ·
actually, your name always mixes me up because I only knew the name Shasta till I met you and I always have to stop and think before I pronounce your name! (I know it's not that hard, but I have to do it anyway) I do like the name Morgan though... :]
March 22 at 2:27pm ·
Sounds like you are making peace, and a plan with the baby paraphenalia.
I ate tums like Spree candy during my pregnancies, and the old wives tale was true, both had LOTS of hair! Ryann came out looking like Elvis....seriously!
I ate tums like Spree candy during my pregnancies, and the old wives tale was true, both had LOTS of hair! Ryann came out looking like Elvis....seriously!
March 22 at 2:41pm ·
Cami's Name was supposed to be Phoenix Reign! Then I decided once we found out she was a girl that that name didn't suit her LOL! I think Camille Sierra suits her well!! Addisyn's first name was EASY!!! Her middle name was the difficult part (Makaia) we still have yet to agree on a boys name with any of our pregnancies!! I wish you Luck!!! i like the busted Chrysalis Idea LOL!!!
March 22 at 2:41pm ·
Well its prounounced like Shasta..but my mom was very wierd and changed it from an S to a C. I have no idea why. And yes Morgan is a beautiful name, it can go for either boy or girl.
March 22 at 2:42pm ·
I've always like boyish names for girls. Which explains Ryann.....I also loved Jensen, but there is a formula 1 racer named Jensen Button that Scott was not a fan of. But there used to be an actress named Jensen Buchanen on a soap called "Another World"....and I always loved it. Ryan Haddon is the daughter of a model Dayle Haddon, and Christian ... See MoreSlater's wife. When I read the name years ago i loved it. And believe it or not we run into girl Ryann's. All spell it differently.
For boys we've always loved Hebrew names...not sure why, neither of us are Jewish.
For boys we've always loved Hebrew names...not sure why, neither of us are Jewish.
March 22 at 2:46pm ·
I like Morgan - and Jordan - things that could be a boy or a girl. (Heck, "Jessie," if you don't know how to spell it....) I wish you weren't so far away :( Baby shower in Chas for sure, ok??
March 22 at 5:14pm ·
Jess you wanna throw me one? I might be home in July-ish, depending on how things (health, money, schedules) play out!
March 22 at 6:33pm ·
Hey, there is a awesome consignment shop down in pearl city- lemme know when your free cause i'd love to go down with you! its pretty much amazing!
March 23 at 2:05am ·
I'd love to go! Maybe next Saturday, I think it's a duty day.
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