All this baby stuff is putting me in a weird/sad/upset/slightly anxious mood tonight. I feel like I'm already behind in picking out the big stuff because David doesn't have much time at home before deployment, but I'm also not quite 12 weeks long. One of my friends that is also pregnant, but a few weeks less than I am is already buying the big stuff for her potential baby. She just found out for sure last week. I feel like I'm procrastinating... putting off getting the stuff until right before I actually need it. It makes me feel guilty, I guess. David gets deployed in May. He'll only be home for a few short weeks before then, and not consecutively. Should we go ahead and buy a bunch of stuff for a baby we don't know the sex of yet? Should I take advantage of the time we have together to buy and set up the nursery RIGHT NOW? It's almost the end of March. April will fly by and then it'll be time for him to leave. DO we need to hurry?
I also feel like it's RIDICULOUS for me to start buying big stuff yet! I'm not even into my second trimester! I haven't even had my first actual OB appointment! I feel like there's still such a chance that something could go wrong before baby is supposed to be here, and then I'd be stuck with a bunch of expensive baby furniture and reminders of a miscarriage. I guess I feel like this is a gamble. I still don't 100% believe that I'm pregnant. I didn't hear "the heartbeat" at 7 weeks when we tried to find it. I've stopped feeling nauseous so often, and other symptoms have faded too, so I feel normal enough, just tired. I've got plenty of college/lazy fat on my stomach area, so I don't know if it's even going to show when it's time to show. I almost feel like buying a bunch of pee-tests and taking one every now and then just for a confirmation that yep, I'm still pregnant this week... And if I feel like this, how am I supposed to be confident when we buy baby furniture? I'm not concerned about the little stuff right now, that will come in bits and pieces, but the big stuff is freaking me out.
I don't know which set of feelings makes more sense. I don't know why I'm not more excited about this. Maybe it's the prospect of being without David's daily support for the last half of the pregnancy. Maybe it's the thoughts of all the things I'll never do, or have to put off now that there'll be a baby/toddler/child. Maybe they'll sort themselves out when we get closer to deciding on names. Maybe it's just hormones.
I wish it weren't a duty night. 'night y'all.
All this baby stuff is putting me in a weird/sad/upset/slightly anxious mood tonight. I feel like I'm already behind in picking out the big stuff because David doesn't have much time at home before deployment, but I'm also not quite 12 weeks long. One of my friends that is also pregnant, but a few weeks less than I am is already buying the big stuff for her potential baby. She just found out for sure last week. I feel like I'm procrastinating... putting off getting the stuff until right before I actually need it. It makes me feel guilty, I guess. David gets deployed in May. He'll only be home for a few short weeks before then, and not consecutively. Should we go ahead and buy a bunch of stuff for a baby we don't know the sex of yet? Should I take advantage of the time we have together to buy and set up the nursery RIGHT NOW? It's almost the end of March. April will fly by and then it'll be time for him to leave. DO we need to hurry?
I also feel like it's RIDICULOUS for me to start buying big stuff yet! I'm not even into my second trimester! I haven't even had my first actual OB appointment! I feel like there's still such a chance that something could go wrong before baby is supposed to be here, and then I'd be stuck with a bunch of expensive baby furniture and reminders of a miscarriage. I guess I feel like this is a gamble. I still don't 100% believe that I'm pregnant. I didn't hear "the heartbeat" at 7 weeks when we tried to find it. I've stopped feeling nauseous so often, and other symptoms have faded too, so I feel normal enough, just tired. I've got plenty of college/lazy fat on my stomach area, so I don't know if it's even going to show when it's time to show. I almost feel like buying a bunch of pee-tests and taking one every now and then just for a confirmation that yep, I'm still pregnant this week... And if I feel like this, how am I supposed to be confident when we buy baby furniture? I'm not concerned about the little stuff right now, that will come in bits and pieces, but the big stuff is freaking me out.
I don't know which set of feelings makes more sense. I don't know why I'm not more excited about this. Maybe it's the prospect of being without David's daily support for the last half of the pregnancy. Maybe it's the thoughts of all the things I'll never do, or have to put off now that there'll be a baby/toddler/child. Maybe they'll sort themselves out when we get closer to deciding on names. Maybe it's just hormones.
I wish it weren't a duty night. 'night y'all.
· s ·
I am going to go out and say it is a mixture of a bunch of things. Hormones, David being deployed, and the fact that you aren't home with people you know and trust 100%. As far as the furniture goes some people strategize as to when they will get pregnant and all that. Without knowing the sex if you want to go out and get stuff, try getting neutral... See More sex items. I don't know what those are because it has been 7ish years since I had to help buy baby stuff. I do remember that yellow is a neutral color though. You will be alright though, I have faith.
March 28 at 12:00am ·
My completely uninformed opinion is that everyone takes it differently, and I think you're doing just fine. I think I would probably feel the way you do. The bright side of pregnancy? It's not like you're reinventing the wheel or anything.
March 28 at 12:27am ·
Things have a way of working themselves out. The worst thing about being pregnant is the unsolicited advice, so Brandi and I won't give any. But if you ever need to talk, just let us know.
March 28 at 1:00am ·
Hey dont worry so much about the timing or the getting started or anything like that. You enjoy the time you have with David here and make the best of it. Get ideas together of what you both like, talk about everything and focus on your health and not the materials. You are right, you are so early that that dreadful possibility is there so I dont ... See Moreblame you for feeling a little disbelief. Rowdy and I didnt actually buy anything big til the first week of second trimester because I felt the same way. Once the doc said, "OK, you are at the point where miscarriage % decreases", we had our green light. Plus, when David is deployed he isnt going to be totally gone for decision making. He can get on webcam/internet with you and you guys can make choices and then you have us to go with you to get your things. Ill be popped by then so while you babysit Ill build or whatever =) there will be plenty of help for all that. And that offer stands for you and Em-
March 28 at 9:23am ·
Thanks Dexx, you're sweet. I appreciate your vote of confidence! :]
Skylar, your comment about the wheel made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that!
Ric, at this point, I'm welcoming *most* suggestions, and *most people's* suggestions, especially since I'm putting my worries out on the internet for friends to see. If you'd like to offer advice, I'd love to have it. You have 3 beautiful awesome kids, so you're obviously doing things right! What do you think?... See More
Johanna, David and I discussed this morning about what's important to him to be part of, and what he really doesn't care about. We're still figuring things out, but at least we've got some things figured out (closer to figured out). Seeing you and Em geek out about baby gear and nursery stuff just made me feel all weird and of-track, haha.
Skylar, your comment about the wheel made me laugh. Thanks, I needed that!
Ric, at this point, I'm welcoming *most* suggestions, and *most people's* suggestions, especially since I'm putting my worries out on the internet for friends to see. If you'd like to offer advice, I'd love to have it. You have 3 beautiful awesome kids, so you're obviously doing things right! What do you think?... See More
Johanna, David and I discussed this morning about what's important to him to be part of, and what he really doesn't care about. We're still figuring things out, but at least we've got some things figured out (closer to figured out). Seeing you and Em geek out about baby gear and nursery stuff just made me feel all weird and of-track, haha.
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