Yesterday was my OB Check-in at the Navy Clinic. It seemed to be mostly to get my family history into the computer system and to see what kind of labs and tests will need to be ordered later (diabetes, genetic this-or-that, I don't remember what else). Then the Nurse-guy doing the check-in talked to/with me for a long time about what to expect, where to go for this problem or that, what my next appointments will be like, how I should try to eat, by the way, you should be drinking at least a liter of water every day... "So how are you and your husband feeling about all this?"
"Well, David is over the moon thrilled... I secretly think I'm actually dying. I don't believe it's really in there, despite 3 home tests and the blood test, I feel like I accidentally told someone a lie and now I have to cover my ass by telling everyone else."
He said it's perfectly normal to be in total disbelief to the point of almost denial... My words, not his. He was SO NICE about it, he even offered to try and find the heartbeat for me if I could come back in about an hour, if he was free.
So David was underway (out to sea on the submarine he works on) as of last Friday, but I got an email from the Ombudsman (the contact between the Captain of the boat and the families of the guys on the boat), saying that the boat had pulled in around 8 that morning (yesterday). Well, My appointment was from about 8-9:15 and at the end of it, I had to go get blood drawn for the labby-lab-tests and the classic pee in a cup. I made a real mess of that, let me tell you. Anyway, I sent David a text, saying "If you could escape for an hour or so around 10:30, we're going to try to find the baby's heartbeat!" No reply, but that was about what I expected. Having an hour to kill, I decided that it was time for Burger King, but I'd drive by the boat first, just to see what was going on. I saw someone I knew from David's division on the pier, and asked him if he could PLEASE ask David ti call me, it's kind of important.
David called me back while I was in line at BK, and when I told him where I was, he was like "Reeeeally? You're at Buuuurger Kiiing?" ::cue sad puppy face, complete with enormous watery eyes:: So I told him what was going to go down with the search for baby, got us food and went to the boat.
I don't know what kind of Happy Juice his Chief had drank with breakfast, but David was allowed to GO! He had duty that day (basically he's not allowed to leave the boat because it's his turn to watch the panel of instruments that make sure the boat is A-OK), so it was REALLY a surprise that he was allowed to leave for a few hours!
We ate and went back to the clinic, where the Awesome-Nurse-guy was free and we did the listening-for-the-heartbeat-little-machine-with-the-slimy-jelly on my abdomen. I felt ridiculously awkward. I was SO VERY glad I'd worn underwear that day. He squished it around on my stomach for a while and tried to find baby. My own heartbeat was RIDICULOUSLY loud, and it kinda sounded like whales in there (you know, or a particularly delicious breakfast croissant being digested)... Awesome-Nurse-guy said at one point that he heard it in the background, but we couldn't find it again. (I say WE, like I did anything but lay there and try not to breathe too deeply.)
He said that 9wks is kinda early to hear the heartbeat, but I trust him. If he heard it in there, then I guess it really IS in there. Somewhere. Internet says it's about the size of a large martini olive. Sounds tasty.
Time to go fill up my ENORMOUS water bottle. No wonder pregnant women pee so freaking much!! Chug-a-lug!
Yesterday was my OB Check-in at the Navy Clinic. It seemed to be mostly to get my family history into the computer system and to see what kind of labs and tests will need to be ordered later (diabetes, genetic this-or-that, I don't remember what else). Then the Nurse-guy doing the check-in talked to/with me for a long time about what to expect, where to go for this problem or that, what my next appointments will be like, how I should try to eat, by the way, you should be drinking at least a liter of water every day... "So how are you and your husband feeling about all this?"
"Well, David is over the moon thrilled... I secretly think I'm actually dying. I don't believe it's really in there, despite 3 home tests and the blood test, I feel like I accidentally told someone a lie and now I have to cover my ass by telling everyone else."
He said it's perfectly normal to be in total disbelief to the point of almost denial... My words, not his. He was SO NICE about it, he even offered to try and find the heartbeat for me if I could come back in about an hour, if he was free.
So David was underway (out to sea on the submarine he works on) as of last Friday, but I got an email from the Ombudsman (the contact between the Captain of the boat and the families of the guys on the boat), saying that the boat had pulled in around 8 that morning (yesterday). Well, My appointment was from about 8-9:15 and at the end of it, I had to go get blood drawn for the labby-lab-tests and the classic pee in a cup. I made a real mess of that, let me tell you. Anyway, I sent David a text, saying "If you could escape for an hour or so around 10:30, we're going to try to find the baby's heartbeat!" No reply, but that was about what I expected. Having an hour to kill, I decided that it was time for Burger King, but I'd drive by the boat first, just to see what was going on. I saw someone I knew from David's division on the pier, and asked him if he could PLEASE ask David ti call me, it's kind of important.
David called me back while I was in line at BK, and when I told him where I was, he was like "Reeeeally? You're at Buuuurger Kiiing?" ::cue sad puppy face, complete with enormous watery eyes:: So I told him what was going to go down with the search for baby, got us food and went to the boat.
I don't know what kind of Happy Juice his Chief had drank with breakfast, but David was allowed to GO! He had duty that day (basically he's not allowed to leave the boat because it's his turn to watch the panel of instruments that make sure the boat is A-OK), so it was REALLY a surprise that he was allowed to leave for a few hours!
We ate and went back to the clinic, where the Awesome-Nurse-guy was free and we did the listening-for-the-heartbea
He said that 9wks is kinda early to hear the heartbeat, but I trust him. If he heard it in there, then I guess it really IS in there. Somewhere. Internet says it's about the size of a large martini olive. Sounds tasty.
Time to go fill up my ENORMOUS water bottle. No wonder pregnant women pee so freaking much!! Chug-a-lug!
I think it was 3 months for the heartbeat for me. Of course, the drs didn't even want to see me until 3 mths. which suited me fine. Wait til you try a sonogram--you need to drink so much water and hold it through the sonogram. At least I remember that. Maybe it's changed in 21+years. Oh the joys of bloodwork and tests. There will be the one where you drink some stuff and plenty more. Enjoy. I kept a pregnancy journal too.
March 10 at 10:55am ·
I know exactly how you feel with the disbelief. As you start to grow, it'll become very real. Although even then I had my doubts...what if it was a tumor...or an alien.
March 10 at 11:21am ·
Yeah, the glucose test won't be for another long while. 12 weeks is the average, but the super-nice-awesome-nurse-guy is a Labor and Delivery specialist, and he said he's usually really good at finding the heartbeats, so he'd give it a try. He said HE heard it, but then it squirmed away and he couldn't find it again. He said if I come back in a couple of weeks we can try again when it's bigger.
March 10 at 11:29am ·
Linzy Powers
March 10 at 4:40pm
Your mom is a carrot stick!!!
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