11 weeks
Yesterday was what I thought was a turning point in the death that has been pregnancy so far. It was a lie and baby was actually just luring me into a false sense of security so it could kill me all last night and today.
I felt GOOD yesterday. Hardly any nausea, not tired till the evening, and then I sat in bed to relax after running errands after work and nearly died when I *tried* to get up. My lower back had tightened up, for no apparantly reason and wasn't letting go to relax. I tried to stretch it back out (like you do with leg cramps and such), but it was having none of it. That lasted for several hours. When it went away, the insomnia kicked in, and I saw 2:45. 3:45. 4:25. 6:15. Then the nausea woke up, and attacked. It's all I can do to choke down 3 Ritz crackers with peanut butter. And this applesauce is the most disgusting applesauce in the history of all applesauces.
It's nice though, that when one of my other friends, also pregnant, texts me, "Have a good day, good luck not killing anyone." I can text right back, "Thanks. You too!"
I'm getting a heating pad TODAY. If there's a sock on the door, do not disturb.
11 weeks
Yesterday was what I thought was a turning point in the death that has been pregnancy so far. It was a lie and baby was actually just luring me into a false sense of security so it could kill me all last night and today.
I felt GOOD yesterday. Hardly any nausea, not tired till the evening, and then I sat in bed to relax after running errands after work and nearly died when I *tried* to get up. My lower back had tightened up, for no apparantly reason and wasn't letting go to relax. I tried to stretch it back out (like you do with leg cramps and such), but it was having none of it. That lasted for several hours. When it went away, the insomnia kicked in, and I saw 2:45. 3:45. 4:25. 6:15. Then the nausea woke up, and attacked. It's all I can do to choke down 3 Ritz crackers with peanut butter. And this applesauce is the most disgusting applesauce in the history of all applesauces.
It's nice though, that when one of my other friends, also pregnant, texts me, "Have a good day, good luck not killing anyone." I can text right back, "Thanks. You too!"
I'm getting a heating pad TODAY. If there's a sock on the door, do not disturb.
If it could make me laugh, I would leave David for this heating pad. And by "leave" I mean "spend more time with than" because I am sure as hell not moving and David will be home eventually. He keeps stuff here too. ;]
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