Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Part II.


So we (David, me, and belly makes three) are sitting in bed and I'm playing some music to bebe (via a pair of flat ear clip headphones) and I was pressing my hand into the center of baby's habitat (firmly but not *too* hard) and DEFINITELY felt a strong TAP-TAP on my fingers!!!

I told David "OMG, I really just felt it kick!!" And I grabbed his hand and pushed his fingers like I'd done with mine and the look of surprise and joy on his face when he felt his daughter kick is something I want to remember forever. I am SO grateful to baby and the stars above that he got to feel the baby move before he deploys. Which is coming up FAST. I am already worried and rather sad about how much he's going to miss while he's gone, but I am glad he's been able to SEE and FEEL our baby girl before he has to leave. That's a huge relief for me.

The strangest thing/interesting coincidence about baby's kicks tonight? The song that was playing on my Mother's Day iPod: Jessica by The Allman Brothers Band. That's the song that was playing when *I* was born (my mom had a really cool OB). I think that's kinda cool...

This weekend, especially today have been AMAZING.



  1. Now this is more like it!!! Excitement and happiness---think positive--you may not always be proved right, but you'll have a lot more fun on the journey!

  2. Congratulations! I am so glad that things are going great and that you have a wonderful man to share this with! It makes it easier knowing that you are so far away since he is with you.

  3. How stinking exciting!!!!! I LOVED feeling the baby grow and kick all around inside of me! That is an amazing feeling! I'm so glad your hubs got to feel her:)

    ~Goodnight moon

  4. Being able to feel the child while it is still in the womb is one of the greatest feelings in the world, I am glad David got to experience before deployment. On a side note, I am sure that this has possibly crossed your mind, but with there being a semi-strong correlation between the Allman Brothers, you, and now your daughter what if you named her Jessica, after the song? That would possbily mean a lot to her when she gets older. Just an idea I had.

  5. Noo, not another J name please.
    Sweet Melissa is another Allman Bros. song. Not that I like that name, but....

  6. I dislike the name Jessica. I like uncommon names! :]
