Ok, these first things are GENIUS, and I can't wait to use them on Baby Awesome Powers. They're legwarmers for bebes, which means you can pop 'em on with a onesie and baby will stay warm, and be easy to change! You don't have to wrangle with PANTS. My longtime friends/acquaintances are well aware by this point of how we feel about PANTS here at the Powershaus. To sum up: They suck.
So without further ado:
On Earth Day (April 22nd), the BabyLegs website ran a fabulous sale, which I learned about as a "fan" of BLs on Facebook. The sale was on certain patterns of BabyLegs, which were selling for $2 that day! Their minimum order is $6 (I *think*), and I'd picked two pairs of the $2 patterns, and then chose a pair at regular price. They have great sales ALL THE TIME though... For instance, today just happens to be Military Spouse Appreciation Day, and a Facebook follower suggested that BabyLegs run a sale on their camouflage leg warmers, AND THEY DID!!! Also, if you sign up for the monthly newsletter, you get 10% off your first order! Seriously, if you follow them on Facebook and Twitter, You'll see that they constantly run sales and give discounts. Our baby isn't even due till October, and I'm already in love. With the BabyLegs, hahaha! Check it out! Free Shipping today!!
I also found, via the BabyLegs Facebook fan page, a fellow blogger who is having a giveaway of BabyLegs on her blog! Her blog inspired me to write about how freaking FABULOUS I think these things are. Have I mentioned I think they're fabulous?
Here are the ones I bought:
Here are some pics of the other clothes I've bought this week. It's hard to "shop neutral" when there's SO MUCH cute/fabulous stuff that's got pink on it. And I don't know why I wouldn't put the cute pants with the teeny weensy brown elephants on a (potential) boy, but they just didn't look "boyish." I think this is a rant for another time. I will just say that I hate pink on either gender baby. Or on a cat, or on pretty much anything. I hate pink. Here's the rest of the clothes I bought:
We're going to tie-dye the Tiny Tiger with orange and purple so it will be Clemson colors!! And the 3 onesies in the pack with writing say "I love Mommy", "I love Daddy" and "Cute as can be". They were on SALE! Daddy Powers really likes the Born in 2010 one. :]
Here's the last and in my opinion, MOST AWESOMEST of yesterday's purchases:
I have no idea how to turn this in Blogger, nor the time to fiddle with it.
So that's that. I'm excited about shopping. We find out the sex/quantity tomorrow. Twins run on both sides of my family, so it's something else to worry about. We're excited and I'm a bit nervous. To me, the baby is still very abstract. Tomorrow, when we get to SEE it, it'll all get REAL and we can REALLY start playing "the name game." And our CRIB is ready to pick up at the Navy Exchange! Eek!
Peace, love and Cuppycakes,
Mumsy Pow.
The pumpkin leggings are effin adorable! Which crib did y'all get?
ReplyDeleteI do love the pumpkin ones!
ReplyDeleteWe got The Lauren (??? I think) from the NEX. It's dark wood, and is one of the 4 way convertible ones that we liked. It was on sale, usually $279-ish, and we got it for $149!! Still need a mattress though.
We've also gotten some more really cute onsies. One says "Daddy's Little Girl" and was from the NEX, and another from Target that's Red that says "SUPER BABY" (!!!)
Hey, that's the same one we got! But we got one of the "as is" ones so it was $90. I love it. Did you get the changing table, too? Babies R Us is having a 20% deal til... I wanna say the 27th? The flyer said no limit and the pass is available in stores. So I think we're going this Friday to get a mattress. Why, I have no idea since it will just sit in the garage. But 20% is better than no %. The sale flyer also has bunches of coupons.
ReplyDeleteWhat mattress are y'all getting? What flyer? Do the send you stuff in the mail? I only get their email flyers... 20% off of what exactly?
ReplyDeleteAll of our baby stuff is sitting on the futon in the spare bedroom. Except for the crib, which is wedged between the bed and the futon. : / And the swing that's already in the living room. Frizzle likes it a LOT.