Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just Checking In. Or: "Things I Will Do When I Am No Longer Pregnant."

So. We're in the third of trimesters. Less than 100 days left... we're actually probably down into the 80's or 70's. Woo hoo?

While I am not looking forward to the part where the baby actually forces its way out of my body, leaving me ravaged and exhausted, I am seriously looking forward to eventually acting out my list of "Things I Will Do When I Am no Longer Pregnant." I am aware that I may have already posted about these things, but too bad, read 'em anyway, I still can't do them.

This list includes things such as:
  • Ride rollercoasters. Yes, I know there aren't any in Hawaii. It's more a matter of wanting to do something you can't, simply because you've been told you aren't allowed. So let's plan to go to Six Flags.
  • DRINK A BEER. Just one. Or more. Or Even, maybe just even, a fruity little mixed drink.
  • Sleep on my stomach. Comfortably, and without worrying about smashing the baby.
  • Jump on trampolines. See Roller coaster riding for explanation.
  • Eat Goat Cheese. I've wanted some ever since the first thing I read that said I can't/shouldn't have it. Actually, I watched a "How It's Made" episode that included goat cheese, and then I googled to see if I *could* have it and the internet said no. :( I I might just eat a bar of it when I get home from the... dammit. I can't even have it for 2 weeks after baby is born. Le sigh. Maybe for Thanksgiving I'll have some. It's gonna be so tasty and creamy. mmm.
  • Decide what I want to eat, WITHOUT weighing desire to eat it against the fear of the heartburn that's sure to follow. Someday, I will eat hot wings again and NOT die a horrible death as a result. They'll just be plain spicy and that'll be the end of it.
  • Have a Mt. Dew. I mean I suppose I could have one now, but those things are so terrible for you, I'm not sure I want to subject little miss to it. Maybe when she's four.

Seriously, all I can think about right now is the taste of goat cheese. Creamy and tangy and soft and mild and I might even put it on a Wheat Thin and not just eat it with a spoon...

  • Have cavities filled. Or rather, have the dentist take X-rays to see if I have cavities that need filled (probably).
  • Hopefully, be able to start something that I'll be able to finish. I'd like to go back to school/get certified in something useful. I know that I won't be able to do much when the baby is here, but until she is, I can't start because her arrival will mean taking an indefinitely long break from whatever it is I start. Is it time for her to start preschool yet?
THis one isn't really a "To Do" persay, but it is important to me.
  • Someday, my stomach region will no longer have a horizon. The kind with a vanishing point. That I can't see past. I'd be pretty upset if David were the type (he's not, I am, which is probably why I thought about it) to pen/sharpie on me where I couldn't see it and then I discovered it in the mirror later. Seriously, the earth isn't flat, and neither is my stomach. Boo.
  • I would like to ride with David on his motorcycle. They don't make maternity biker jackets. Ha ha. Joke.
  • Not waddle.

Now I'm going to go rummage in the fridge... maybe, just maybe I can find something in there I want badly enough to replace my undying food-lust for goat cheese. I'm not hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the list, I was thinking of the following things:
    Sing to my baby girl. Dress my baby in all the cute clothes. Take crazy photos of her in odd outfits. Take her for walks to the park. Have a beer. Breast feed her and treasure the closeness. Show her off to all my friends. Write thank you notes. Send photos to people. Talk in a squeaky high voice. Teach her to coo and wait for the smile. Play peek-a-boo. Read books to her. Rock her to sleep. Hold her and stare at the wonder of growing a baby inside yourself. Check her poop making sure she is healthy. Visit the dr often for well baby checkups and listen to all the nurses and staff say how cute she is and how fast she's growing. Play with her and her toys. Entertain her. Love her. Stare at her--all the time. Have a beer.
