Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Daddy's Message

David recorded a voice clip for me to play for the baby on our headphones while he's deployed, and I listened to it for the first time just a minute ago, and it is the sweetest thing ever, it made me tear up. I put my phone's speaker on my tummy, and I could feel her kicking at it while it played.

He says he can't wait to meet her. He says he loves her. He says for the baby to be nice to me, haha. Then he said to grow strong, and then goodbye.

I could hear his voice cracking. I know that he loves this baby, his daughter, and that reassures me that we'll be alright.

I laminated one of the ultrasound pics (the 17 week one) and he carries it around in his shirt pocket, he says he's made everyone on the boat look at it!

I can't wait for him to be a daddy. He's going to be amazing.

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