Friday, June 11, 2010

Letter to (Baby).

Dear Baby Awesome Powers,

I cannot wait for you to meet your daddy. He is away right now, while you are growing (and kicking) inside of me, but he will be back for your triumphant arrival into the world. He is very excited that you are going to join our family! I gave him a laminated copy of your ultrasound printout, from 17 weeks. He carries it in the right front pocket of his work coveralls, and he says he shows it to everyone. He says, "That's my little girl!" He loves you so much already. I think you like the voice message he made especially for you. I play it for you and you kick!kick!kick! at the headphones.

Your daddy is a wonderful man. He's really smart, and he's funny, and he's very good at showing that he loves. He doesn't hold anything back. He's hard working, and he does a good job providing for us. He likes to have fun and be all kinds of silly, too! He already loves you so much. He was so happy and completely astonished when I got to tell him you would be joining us in October. If you come a few days early, you could even share a birthday! Or not, that's cool with us too, just don't take too long in there, because Daddy has to go back to work in November for a while. He'll be home for Christmas though, and then you two can really start to get to know each other.

I can't wait to see him holding you. The thought of tiny little you in his big strong arms just fills me with so much anticipation and joy. I can't wait for you two to begin your very special relationship. I hope he doesn't spoil you *too* much... I know he's already excited about teaching you to be an independent little miss (like your mama, haha). He's already talking about teaching you how to take care of your own car and about teaching you Algebra!! I think you two are going to be great together.

Mama (Awesome) Powers


  1. So much LOVE. And that's the first thing the baby needs--what a lucky little girl.

  2. Well, from what I can tell, the first thing she's really going to need is a good mop down, but we've definitely got plenty of love lined up for her after that. ;]

  3. The nurses will take care of the mop-down. She'll be beautiful when you see her and hold her. You'll smile so big, you'll run out of face.

  4. Awwww. That brought a tear to my eye. David is so lucky; there is nothing like being a Daddy. Every time has been wonderful and special for me.
    Take care!

  5. Linz, I love this :) Its so awesome hearing you excited about this :):)
