Sunday, June 27, 2010

Don't Forget To Get...

This is not a plea for stuff, it's a reminder list for me while I'm on the internet of all the baby stuff I need to get/research/eventually maybe register for. Man there's a lot of stuff for babies. I know that a lot of stuff is more "Want/Convenience" than essential to survival (which is the main goal), but if a couple pieces of plastic (that I can always resell in a yard sale in two years) can make my life easier, why not? As long as I've got the essentials: Food, shelter, warmth, place to put baby... We'll be fine, but these are useful things I've been thinking of and want to "write" down somewhere.
  • Wet Bag
  • Diaper Pail
  • Pail Liner
  • Regular trashcan
  • Bathtub (David will probably want the one with the whale face on it)
  • Baby wash/lotion
  • Mesh bag to contain bitsy socks in the dryer
  • BABY CLOTHES HANGERS. At first I scorned them, but after yesterday's sort-fest, I think I need a couple packs.
  • grooming kit?
  • Receiving blankets in which to burrito the baby (if she's into that).
  • Bottles and their accessories
  • Bottle brush
  • Bottle Drying rack?
  • OOOh!!! That little basket that goes in the dishwasher that keeps all your little plastic pieces from blowing all over.
  • Some kind of clothesline/drying rack for the porch
  • An emergency pacifier or two.
  • Prefold diapers
  • More Diaper Covers
  • Snappis
  • Baby Bedding
  • Decorations for baby room (a whole 'nother post)
  • Bookcase/shelf for baby's room. If she's anything like me (and I've already begun collecting them for her), books will be an important staple in her life. Besides, Mommy needs a place to rest her beer while she's reading to the baby. HA!

1 comment:

  1. Mesh bag for socks is a great idea! We have one for Olivia's socks and the little mittens they wear to keep from scratching their faces. It's a life saver!

    You will need more baby hangers than you realize! We have tons and it still seems like we run out. But that's probably because we only have one drawer for her.

    Dishwasher baskets are great too.

    We have a bottle drying rack. It was supposed to spin, but it just doesn't. And it was a pricier one too.

    Baby grooming kit is more important than I thought. Their little fingernails grow like crazy.
