Friday, May 21, 2010

Feel Like ICK Today. Not An Acronym.

I don't think it's one of the bugs going around, I just feel a bit nauseous and my pulse is too fast. It happened last night too when I was lying in bed, but it was stronger then... full on gagging. Took my pulse about 3 times over about 30 minutes and it was above 120 each time. That's ridiculously fast for a resting heart rate! I manged to get to sleep and felt ok when I woke up this morning. Then it happened again around 11ish this morning. It was feeling a little scary, so I called the hospital's advice line and they told me to have something to eat and just keep track of when it happens, and if it seems to be happening a lot that I can come in and they'll check me out. Bleh. I feel a bit better since I ate a baked potato for lunch. And some Instant Breakfast. I'm going to walk on the treadmill in a bit and hopefully that'll cure what's ailing me. Except for the pulse thing. I dunno.

I'm also tired of feeling like my pulse is too strong. Seriously, if I sit still and listen for it, I can hear/feel it. It's kinda driving me crazy. I know that my circulation has increased, along with my blood volume, but womp-womp-womp-womp-womp when I'm trying to be still and quiet is getting on my nerves.


  1. Chamomile tea or Celestial Seasons Sleepytime tea should help calm you down. The more anxious you get, the more you breathe in CO2 and it makes you feel worse, so your heart races, you breathe in more CO2 and then panic happens.
    Make some iced tea out of those teas and sip it all day. I know it gets scary--but that feeling of impending doom only worsens it into a full blown panic attack.
    Love you.

  2. I experienced the SAME thing during my pregnancy. I thought I was going crazy! I would lay in bed and just feel my pulse racing. In later months, I started showing really mild symptoms of pre-eclampsia. So just keep an eye on it, but I think it's normal.

  3. Good to know Amanda!

    Nadine, I'm not sure which herbal teas are safe durign pregnancy or not. I haven't noticed it again this week, but I'm going to keep track, and mention it at my next appointment.
