Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Nausea Chronicles, Entry 17. Or: Still Burning, And An Agreement Has Been Made.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 10:31am

So. Heartburn effing SUCKS. I've never really had it before, so I never really thought about it. Well, now I get it and It. Is. Awful.

Here's a VERY positive development in the "name game"...

David and I discussed it last night. His main name hang-up is that he doesn't want his boy made fun of for having an unusual name. He said he got made fun of for his last name in school "Power Rangers", "Powers Wheels", etc. MY main name hang-up is that I want my daughter to have a name that's interesting. Something that she won't have to have her last initial tacked after it for her entire school career. I always did, and it's part of the reason that I don't like my name. That's why I spell it the way I do. I REALLY want to change it legally, but I haven't looked into it yet. But that's another discussion.

We decided that for a boy, David will choose the first name, and I will choose the middle name. For a girl, I will choose the first name and David will choose the middle name. We're each going to choose about 5-10 names for each list and see what works best with the other person's lists. It's FAIR, and we can both stick with what we believe in, respectively.

I feel SO much better about this name thing now, even if we only have a couple more weeks till we find out what it will be. I'm also glad we worked this out BEFORE we found out what it will be so that we won't argue about it when it comes down to who gets to pick the first name!

I'm excited about not having to compromise my beliefs about the kind of name I want for a daughter. I'm sure David is relieved that his boy will get a "normal name." I just hope that something on our lists go together! :]

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Johanna Gand Keri W like this.

Skylar Curtis Skylar C

That's awesome! You guys are such a good couple! Getting down to the root issue is something so many couples never figure out. And this is why every appointment in my office is filled with divorces.
April 7 at 11:43am

Linzy Powers Linzy

hahaha, Thanks! But, we have PLENTY of other things we fight about that are still unresolved. Eventually we do get around to talking about them, but it usually takes a while and a fight or two about them. Keep in mind it's been weeks since we first started suggesting baby names to each other. I heard of someone else using this solution for their baby name dilemma and I figured it was worth suggesting to David. I'm so glad we worked it all out! :]
April 7 at 11:58am ·

Amanda Elmore Swafford Amanda S

I'd never had it before either, and had it for about 6 months of my pregnancy. But I haven't had it since I had Olivia, so there's hope!
April 7 at 11:59am ·

Linzy Powers Linzy

Amanda, what did you take for your heartburn? I've got some old Tums from a few years ago, but They only kinda-sorta work.
April 7 at 12:32pm

Deb Christman Ragsdale Deb R
I chucked Tums like Spree Candy. Seriously!!!!
April 7 at 12:39pm

Linzy Powers Linzy

The "Tums" I have are actually a knock-off brand that "expired" in July of 2008... I guess I need to get some new ones!
April 7 at 12:44pm

Amanda Elmore Swafford Amanda S

The best thing for me was to take four tums, and drink a glass of milk. I don't like to drink milk without some sort of cookie or cake to go with it, so I often made it chocolate milk. But sometimes I drank regular milk straight if that was all that was available because it made me feel so much better. And it was a large glass of milk. A slice of bread also helped.

Soda is a big no-no. The carbonation made the heartburn TERRIBLE. Anything tomato based also made me feel bad.
April 7 at 12:49pm

Deb Christman Ragsdale Deb R
Get a huge bottle!!!! I'm not kidding...I had no less than 10 a day, and as you get bigger it gets worse! But the tums and milk DOES help!
BTW, on the subject of milk. I've been buying smart balance with Omega and yadda yadda. It tastes super 2% but it is low fat, AND lots of added good stuff for you and baby!
April 7 at 12:51pm

Linzy Powers Linzy

Hmm. I'll consider the Omega. And get some "real" Tums.

I've also been having TONS of these sort of burps, but no air comes up, nothing shifts, it's just awful and uncomfortable. I'd been considering drinking Sprite just so the bubbles would give me something to burp! :(
April 7 at 1:38pm

Amanda Elmore Swafford Amanda S

Oh yes..."The Burps." I remember them well. Sometimes I called them "Burpies."
April 7 at 1:41pm

Jessie Rumph Jessie R
Lol - nothing helpful to contribute to the heartburn conversation here, but I love the naming convention :)
April 7 at 2:16pm

Linzy Powers Linzy

me too! It's ridiculously fair. Though, I might change my mind, depending on what names David comes up with haha
April 7 at 2:22pm

Dexx Rector Dexx R

I can understand being made fun of because of a unique name. My entire life I have been referred to as Dexter's Laboratory, Dexter (From the tv show), Dick Rectum (High School), Rectum, Rectum Raider, ERector, ERection Set, so I can understand that bit. The thing is though that if I hadn't had all those fun names growing up I probably wouldn't have become as hilarious as I am today. People really remember the unique names, and it does help eventually. And I boooooooo heartburn! :)
April 7 at 3:27pm

Linzy Powers Linzy

Exactly, Dexx. My thoughts about unusual names are mostly that childhood only lasts so long, as will the childhood teasing. A person will hopefully (in terms of years lived, not maturity) be an adult for a lot longer than they will be a child. Also that the experiences make a person who they are.

I like that you spell your name with two X's. It makes your name unique. :]
April 7 at 3:33pm

Dexx Rector Dexx R

It was my Dad's idea, his name is Dexter. He didn't want people calling me Junior, so he took the -ter off and added an 'X'
April 7 at 6:41pm

Linzy Powers Linzy

Is it legally Dexter or Dexx?
April 7 at 6:57pm

Dexx Rector Dexx R

My legal name is William Dexx R
April 8 at 11:56am

Linzy Powers Linzy

huh. That's kinda neat. Do you like it? would you have left off the second "x" if you could?
April 8 at 12:41pm

Dexx Rector Dexx R

Nope, I am happy and content with my name. I do still here terrible jokes about it, because peopel think they are the first ones to come up with the insult. The extra 'x' is what makes my name stand out.
April 8 at 12:58pm

Linzy Powers Linzy
Cool. I like that.
April 8 at 1:08pm

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