Friday, April 2, 2010

The Nausea Chronicles, entry 3. Or: Because You Can't Discipline It When It's Inside of You.


Dear Bebe, if you ARE really in there,

If you don't cut it out with the bouts of nausea, you are SO. TOTALLY. GROUNDED. I haven't decided to do it right away, while you're squirmy, or wait until you're like, 15, and spring it on you. "Yeah? I'm mean and never let you do anything? Well pooh on you, you're grounded for making me have morning sickness when you were negative 7 months old. Thought I was going to let that slide? No sirree. To your room. No [insert 2025 version of iPod/tv/computer device here]." That'll show you who's boss. But you don't even have functional ears yet, so it's a little early for a lecture on Do Unto Others, and that other jazz.

That pretzel yesterday was really good though, huh? Want another one? Ok, let's go.

Your... Mothe-*cough*, Mam-*cough-cough*... well, it's not like you'll be calling me anything for the first year or so ANYWAY, so I can get over my awkwardness/squeamishness/phobia later. We've still got a little over 31 weeks to go. Wooooo.

P.S. I'm serious about that pretzel.

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Johanna Elizabeth Griffin Johanna G
ur 9 weeks?
March 6 at 5:18pm ·

Amanda Elmore Swafford Amanda S
Wow. I can't believe our babies will be 15 in 2025. That sounds so futuristic.
March 6 at 5:36pm ·

Sara Ikner Sara Ikner
"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" ;p
March 6 at 6:43pm ·

Linzy Powers Linzy Powers
Johanna, I am, according to the calendar *I* prefer. I'm sure the doctor's office will screw that all up, but since I know almost exactly when *IT* happened, I'm using a calendar that calculates by that. Message me if you want more info.
March 6 at 6:43pm ·

Nadine Gomez Nadine
apparently--spelling fairy at work 24/7. BTW, I am enjoying the nausea chronicles and do think it could be a book or at least a blog site.
March 7 at 1:48am ·

Darice Gomez Darice G
Me too. Looking forward to the next entry.
March 7 at 3:17am ·

Linzy Powers Linzy Powers
I promise NOTHING! Neither regularity in posting, consistent hilarity, nor a positive upswing as the plot thickens.

Nadine, you can blame Firefox for that one, apparently the spell-checker needs to be updated. That's who I'M blaming.
March 7 at 6:48am ·

Ric Forbes Ric F
Emmarose is also grounded for many years to come for the morning sickness. Also, the doctor's office always goes by the wheel here, so they were 2 weeks off from our calculations, and we were there, so we know when it happened, but they adjusted the due date at her 12 weeks ultrasound.
March 7 at 6:48am ·

Linzy Powers Linzy Powers
I'll be dealing with military docs, who are ordered to care only so much from what I've heard, so I'm really hoping, that they take me seriously.

The wheel is stupid if the couple actually knows when conception happens. I do understand that 90+% don't know when it happened for them, but it really annoys me that doctors and jerk-nurses (I know one in particular) won't listen to a patient when she says she doesn't operate on a 28 day cycle with "O" on day 14.
March 7 at 6:54am

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